Trustpilot COVID-19 FAQ

Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Trustpilot COVID-19 FAQ

At Trustpilot, we are doing our small part to fight the spread of COVID-19 and keeping our teams healthy by temporarily closing all of our physical offices as of last week. We’ve ensured that all employees are equipped with the tools and systems they need to continue to provide world-class service to our customers and partners while working remotely.

We’ve received some questions from our customers and partners about our business and service continuity during this time, and we’re happy to report that the Trustpilot tools and resources that you use to build trust every day will remain available to you. We have well-practiced plans in place with our supply chain partners to make sure that’s the case in all reasonable scenarios.

You can find more information below, and we will continue to update this blog post as necessary.

Are Trustpilot’s Support and Customer Success teams available during this time?

Absolutely. To ensure the health and safety of our employees and communities, all Trustpilot employees have transitioned to working remotely, and our internal IT teams are dedicated to ensuring they’re equipped with the tools and systems they need to continue to provide world-class service to our customers. You can continue to use the same phone numbers and email addresses you’ve always used for your Trustpilot contacts, and our Support team continues to be available via our support site.

What provisions have been made to deal with COVID-19 for you and your supply chain?

We're cloud-based, so remote working and access to necessary systems to provide the same level of services all our customers are used to, is well-practiced and robust. We are working with our cloud computing and systems partners - as we do as part of normal business operations - to ensure the integrity and availability of our platform. This includes all the systems our commercial teams need to continue to support customers throughout.

How does your business continuity plan deal with COVID-19 and how prepared are you now for increased outbreak?

Our business continuity plan in any situation prioritizes safety, first and foremost. Now we've moved to remote working, we can dedicate our company resources to ensuring our service to you continues as normal. We’ve prepared our people and given them all of the connectivity and tools they need to continue delivering great advice, service and support to you, even in the event of an escalation of the current situation, wherever they’re working from.

How and when do you expect the COVID-19 situation to affect your services?

It's not necessarily a case of 'how and when' Coronavirus will affect our services, but 'if'. An escalation would have to be severe enough to disrupt core internet infrastructure, such as degraded Google or Amazon Web Services, or direct disruption to our key CRM software partners’ platforms, for there to be any disruption to the services we provide to our customers. Our systems and platform team work hand-in-hand with all of our technical supply chain partners to deliver our service every day - this situation is no different. We have been given every reassurance about the resilience of these core services that we rely on and have implemented additional alerting and monitoring to our core services to ensure that we can proactively invoke mitigating actions. In the event that we have any indication otherwise, or the situation does escalate and have a direct impact on our supply chain and so us, we'll keep you updated.


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