Introducing TrustLayer™ Data Solutions

Harness the power of trust from the world’s largest independent platform for customer feedback

Rich data powered and trusted by millions

An icon of a Star with a white circle outline around it

300+ million

reviews on

An icon of the world globe in White

1.17+ Million

businesses globally with Trustpilot reviews

An icon of a bubble showing 3 little dots inside of it, representing a chat that is in progress


new reviews every day

Diverse insights that go beyond traditional data

Leverage billions of data points and qualitative insights from a diverse stream of customer reviews to make more informed business decisions. Understand customer sentiment over time across regions, demographics, and a rich tapestry of topics that matter to you, and keep a finger on the pulse of emerging competitive and market trends.

A graphic representing data visualisation which shows a sentiment analysis for UK. It displays positive and negative sentiments as well as a review feed of Trustpilot reviews.

A graphic showing various reviews from real people scattered around the image

Trusted reviews based on genuine experiences

Trustpilot's open platform allows every voice to be heard and amplified, balancing the accelerated innovation of AI with the nuanced care and oversight of our people and community of millions. Every review is screened using cutting-edge fraud detection technology and Dedicated Content Integrity and Fraud Teams to maintain review quality and transparency.

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